Personal Rapid Transit

Personal Rapid Transit is the name given to a technology that gives us the first new form of transport in a century.

This campaign is to establish a fair trial system within 5 years.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

MISTER Polish suspended PRT system.


Recently a suspended system (one that hanges down) has appeared from a proposer from Poland. Quite an cools sight one could hardly waste time in recommending.

Naturally I'm all over the technical details. MISTER appears to be well versed in the positive and negative attributes of the various alternative PRT systems out there(good). They have gone for simplicity and using available technology (gets my vote).

They have decided that the vertical "truss mono rail", (hanging down) is simpler lighter and safer. Personally I've always like suspended systems. If you look a skii lift you can have a number of gondolas hanging from a wire. This would make the wire the low visual intrusion option but introduces the problem of how to move from track to track ( switch in the technical parlance).

MISTER appears to have come up with some solution "Finally, use of a "static rail switches" (crossovers), where rails do not move, but gondola suspension-propulsion caddy is switching from one rail onto a parallel section of the other rail, provides for fail safe and non-wearing mechanism of diverging and merging from/onto the main transport rails. It is similar to a freeway exit/entry, except that lines do not join but run in parallel for a while, for a sufficient distance to "jump across". "

I didn't find anything showing how but this switch works, generally this is the core of the system and the thing most PRT systems hold back for a patent. I noticed that one of the links is to Wendell Cox the notorious anti-public transit, anti-smart growth pro sprawl activist. What strange bedfellows MISTER makes.

Well it looks like this system is getting a far amount of interest in Poland (yeah!). Perhaps PRT might have a simpler time emerging from a country where total reform is in the air than a more staid/conventional/formal country like the US. Well definitely a project which could do with more work and a good working prototype to sort out the problems so I wish them my hearty best.


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