Personal Rapid Transit

Personal Rapid Transit is the name given to a technology that gives us the first new form of transport in a century.

This campaign is to establish a fair trial system within 5 years.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Steve Raney of Cities21 sent in
this ( and other ) link. It looks like Steve (and others) are doing a lot of hard work to promote this PRT proposal. I think as a poke in the eye to those who think PRT is all hype and porkbarrel this site shows the grass roots support PRT systems have among the digiratii.

I have seen the sight before and did like the logic of it. Microsoft have the cash and potentially the vision to commission a PRT system. You would think the PR value would make it attractive alone.

The montage shots are some of the best I have every seen and give a good visual impression of the overall visual impact of an elevated system. Definitly worth a long visit and a donation.


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